Feeling good about how things were going with my Scherck interpretations, I though why not look at other mathematical shapes? There are a lot of mathematical shapes, some really intricate, others hauntingly beautiful in their simplicity – what to choose was the question, wanting the challenge but at the same time not going in over…
A quarterly challenge in the sculptural wet felting group, online, was to create a Two holed Scherck minimal surface in felt. In mathematics, a minimal surface described as: A surface that locally minimizes its area. If you want to know more, and see some of the other minimal surfaces, go to your search engine and…
An exhibition curated by Kerry Youde, about her family’s shack on the Yorke Peninsula. Exhibition dates; November 12 to December 24 2020. “- A deep dip into childhood memory and imagination, with a bit of history and augmented reality thrown in”. Image by Kerry Youde, from The Shack Exhibition. Inviting a handful of regional and…
Art of The Flower and Garden exhibition , Burra Regional Art Gallery 2020. There are several highlights on the local gallery’s calendar every year. One of them being The Art Of The Flower And Garden exhibition, with two categories for the adults,contemporary and Traditional and several for the children’s section ,with participation from many of…
Divergence – to move in another direction – the title for my exhibition reflects both a shift in the direction of my art, something that I have been working on for quite some time, but it also reflects on the fact that if humans want to survive and thrive as a species, we have to…
19th of May – 9th of June 2019. RSASA Gallery 1st Floor Institute Blg cnr Kintore Ave & North Terrace Adelaide. Nature , the environment or climate change through landscapes,seascapes,fauna,flora,environmentally aware people ot thought provoking images. “2010 Was the year of Biodiversity, it was also the year of the first Solar Art prize – caring…