The bags are still for sale etc. Contact me.
Moonlit Aurora , Southern Tasmania, 2023 After having recently located to Southern Tasmania, I have taken up Aurora Photography. I will never forget the first time I managed to capture a slight Aurora or Southern light, on camera or the time that I saw the moving curtains and beams with my naked eye. The facts…
Feeling good about how things were going with my Scherck interpretations, I though why not look at other mathematical shapes? There are a lot of mathematical shapes, some really intricate, others hauntingly beautiful in their simplicity – what to choose was the question, wanting the challenge but at the same time not going in over…
A quarterly challenge in the sculptural wet felting group, online, was to create a Two holed Scherck minimal surface in felt. In mathematics, a minimal surface described as: A surface that locally minimizes its area. If you want to know more, and see some of the other minimal surfaces, go to your search engine and…
Divergence – to move in another direction – the title for my exhibition reflects both a shift in the direction of my art, something that I have been working on for quite some time, but it also reflects on the fact that if humans want to survive and thrive as a species, we have to…
19th of May – 9th of June 2019. RSASA Gallery 1st Floor Institute Blg cnr Kintore Ave & North Terrace Adelaide. Nature , the environment or climate change through landscapes,seascapes,fauna,flora,environmentally aware people ot thought provoking images. “2010 Was the year of Biodiversity, it was also the year of the first Solar Art prize – caring…